Hi friends, there is one question that many people ask me, how to lighten the area between the thighs and the bikini area?”
So before we know the solution to this problem, we must first know the reasons behind these problems. Then you will be easily able to treat this problem.
Causes of Dark Skin in Bikini Area
So the first reason is Hormonal Changes. During puberty, when boys and girls begin to hit maturity, the levels of male & female hormones respectively begin to increase in their system, which is one reason why the area in and around the bikini begins to darken. Similarly, in women during their menstrual cycles or pregnancy and Lactation, even during PCOD or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, and finally, consuming birth control pills every month/long term are all causes that can lead to darkening of the bikini area.
The other reason is friction from clothes and underwear. When a person’s weight increases, it can often lead to rubbing of the inner thighs, which causes them to darken in color. The same problem can occur when you wear tight undergarments or underwear made from synthetic materials such as nylon, lace, etc.
Because this area sweats a lot more than usual thus, the skin remains moist, and wearing tight and synthetic underwear irritates the skin and causes it to go dark. A third big reason is that many people, without giving it adequate thought, use hair removal remedies like Hair removing cream, waxing and razors, etc.
Hair removal creams are potent chemicals that literally decompose the Hair to remove them, and thus they naturally irritate the skin and cause damage to it.
Waxing is harmful because how they are pulled out by waxing strips often leads to the problem of Ingrown hair. Pulling the waxing strip off firmly causes damage to the skin, and in beauty parlors, the same tub of wax is often used to wax many people, and therefore, people get cross infected.
And this is another reason why the bikini area can turn dark in color. In this way, when people do bottomless shaving of the bikini area, the top layer of skin gets chafed and thus turns dark.
Shaving also leads to the problem of Ingrown Hair. Another reason which leads to the darkening of the bikini area is excessive sweating in this sensitive area. If there is too much sweating, friction can increase in this area, and by always being a bit moist fungal and bacterial infections can quickly occur, and skin thus turns dark easily.
To avoid this excessive sweat, many people start to apply lots of talcum powder to the area. Still, the fragrances contained in the powder, the chemical, and sometimes bacteria in talcum powder can cause skin irritation/infection and subsequent darkening. People with diabetes are also often susceptible to the darkening of the skin in the bikini area.
Treatment of Dark Skin in Bikini Area
Now, if your bikini area and inner thighs are already suffering from darkened skin, how should you improve it?
First, If you are applying powder to this area, please stop doing so immediately. In the bikini area and between the thighs, ensure you wash every day with a good soap Neem soap is best for this purpose because it is a natural anti-septic soap. Do not wear tight or synthetic underwear; wear loose-fitting cotton underwear.
The Hair in the bikini area should not be removed by Hair Removing Creams, Waxing, or shaving. Instead of these to remove the Hair from this area, using a hair trimmer is the most painless, safe, and hygienic method, and there is no problem of ingrown Hair either. In this area, I will not recommend you use an epilator because this area is extremely sensitive, and using the epilator here can cause considerable pain.
Do NOT use These Home Remedies
Many people, to make the skin of their bikini area and inner thighs lighter, recommend things like applying lemon, curd, baking soda, and sugar scrubs, etc. but applying such remedies to your bikini area and inner thighs is something that I will not recommend at all because both areas are very sensitive and applying lemon, baking soda, curd or any vegetable juice or extract can easily lead to burning sensations and allergies.
In the bikini area and between the thighs, the suggested home remedy, which is also relatively safe, is that you take 1 Tablespoon of Pure Cold Pressed Coconut Oil and add 1/4 teaspoon of Turmeric to it, and then apply this mixture properly to your bikini area and inner thighs Pure coconut oil is very soothing for the skin. It never causes any allergies, and Turmeric is a natural anti-septic mixing of turmeric and coconut oil. This also helps to lighten the color of the skin in this area. If there is a minor infection in this area, then that also gets healed.
Treating Itching in Bikini and Thigh Area
If in the bikini area and between the thighs there is an itching along with darkening of the skin, then most probably due to sweating, there is some underlying bacterial or fungal infection. For this, before you sleep at night, wash the bikini area and inner thighs with 2% Nizoral Lotion. Then, the entire dark area should be treated with Quadriderm RF Cream. This lotion, as well as the cream, is available at most medical stores.
The cream has to be applied only for 15-20 days, but a wash with Nizral Lotion can wash daily for a month.