The Strongest Eagle on Earth – Life of Harpy Eagle

Harpy Eagle - The Strongest Eagle on Earth

What can be better than observing birds? Of course, observing large birds! And, if possible, birds that possess more power than any other magnificent wingy fella on this crazy blue planet.

I am glad that you love this idea too because today we will closely meet the one and only feathery friend from the continent of America: the harpy eagle. Today, I will tell you a story about a harpy eagle, the strongest eagle on this planet, and one fairly good-looking guy.

Life of this Bold Bird

So, now, let’s dive into the life of this bold bird to find out what his existence is all about.

The Origins of the almighty Harpy Eagle The harpy eagle, the first of its name, is the only member of its genus Harpia. The Latin name of this extremely dangerous bird is Harpia harpyja.

The person who gave the eagle this name loved the word so much that they called the bird species like that twice! However, firstly, these eagles were named by the famous scientist and a grandpa of the theory of evolution, Carl Linnaeus, in 1758.

The man named the eagle Vultur harpyja after the one very interesting beast from Greek mythology: harpy. These mythical creatures looked like half-birds and half-women.

Their main job was to carry sinners and just regular people to Tartarus and Hades, and they used a lot of violence to help themselves on this journey.

The harpies were the curse of ancient Greece, and they lived far from the birthplace of their eagle namesake on the island of Crete. We are still determining whether harpy eagles occupy the same position as their namesake.

I don’t speak bird to learn about it. But they may have worked in the 19th century, so Carl Linnaeus named the birds. So, let’s move from myths to reality.

The first members and distant ancestors of the harpy eagle and all raptors appeared in this world in the Eocene Epoch.

As for our dear friend, this species is much younger, but their very confident attitude still shows that the birds think they are the kings and queens of this planet. And in some cases, this is true.

What’s the Harpy Eagle’s Address?

Several birds have the name harpy eagle, but the actual possessor of this noble name is the American, or you can also say Brazilian harpy eagle.

Our friend lives in both Americas, from Mexico to Argentina. Most live in Brazil; Panama even has this bird as a national symbol.

Harpy eagles live in rainforests, preferably lowland, but they can fly everywhere, even above the cities, when needed. The birds do not tolerate wasting energy for no reason, so you hardly notice them in the sky.

In general, seeing this bird in its natural habitat is rare, so consider yourself lucky to see it and immediately hide because this eagle will not mess around with you. Hollywood cribs are nothing compared to the harpy eagles’ homes.

The birds build beautiful nests from feathers and sticks, and most of them will spend their whole life in these very intimate nests with their lovely bird partner.

Yes, harpy eagles are monogamous; most choose one mate for eternity. They also select dedicated parenting over having many children, even though females can lay eggs every two years.

Harpy eagles want to give as much as possible to their existing chicks, just like we do! The fertile period lasts almost all their life, about 30 years on average, and all the kids raised by a couple of harpy eagles occasionally “visit” their birth nests and parents. That’s very sweet of them!

Harpy Eagle - The Strongest Eagle on Earth

A Beautiful Appearance of Harpy Eagle

Continuing with the chicks, baby harpy eagles are born all white and need about a year to mature. Once these fellas are all grown up, they change in color and now rock slate-black feather “coats” and white “shirts.”

It makes these birds look like they are wearing suits and are always ready for a fancy occasion. The birds are quiet, rarely speak their truth, and mostly stay silent outside their homes.

They occasionally talk with other harpy eagles during mating or when Papa Bird brings food to the nest and warns Mama Bird about its arrival.

Smartphones would be much more convenient but are not adapted to harpy eagles’ talons. Male harpy eagles can grow up to 13 lbs (6 kg), and girls are bigger and can grow to weigh up to 20 lbs (9 kg). As for the size, the birds measure from 2 feet 19 inches to 3 feet 6 inches (86.5 – 197 cm) on average in length.

Of course, such a big bird has a remarkable wingspan that can be as big as 7 feet 4 inches (224 cm). In addition to great wings, the birds have impressive beaks that can be up to 5.1 inches (13 cm) and powerful talons, good enough to capture the biggest and yummiest prey.

These talons are the biggest among all living eagles, which is a big deal.

Harpy Eagle

What’s for dinner for a harpy eagle

I called the harpy eagle the strongest eagle on Earth but never explained why I think so. Such a big bird is powerful; you can make sure about it with just one look at its menu. Harpy eagles mostly feed on tree-dwelling animals, including sloths and monkeys.

The last is terrible because I love monkeys! These birds also enjoy eating reptiles, armadillos, opossums, squirrels, and even porcupines.

The prey can be very big, about half the bird’s weight, and still, an eagle can capture it to eat with its family. But if an eagle can’t find food when hungry, it’s not a big deal: harpy eagles can fast for two weeks without a single piece of food and no harm to their bodies.

You wonder whether the harpy eagle can catch and eat YOU in its nest. It sounds scary, but you can chat with chicks and find a new, excellent eagle friend.

Fortunately, and unfortunately, the harpy eagle is not strong enough to catch an adult and bring them to its home, but it can harm you and take away a toddler if you have one.

So, once you see the harpy eagle, stay away: they are not that friendly and nothing like birds from Lord of the Ring! What about harpy eagles and us? In our Article, I usually report that people kill big birds, and harpy eagles are not the exception to this rule.

People hunt them for their proven attacks on humans and cattle for fun. But I’m glad to tell you that most people think these marvelous birds should live, and they help save the birds in the wilderness and multiply the species to help them survive.

Thanks to the efforts of several organizations, harpy eagles continue to thrive and can even serve as inspiration for art. This species was selected as the basis for Fawkes The Phoenix, a close companion of Dumbledore and Harry Potter’s rescuer in the movie “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” Not many animals can boast such an accomplishment!

The Future of Harpy Eagle

Like many other beautiful species nowadays, this eagle suffers from global changes and is on the edge of its survival.

As of 2020, only about 5,000 harpy eagles are left in the Amazon forest and not more than 300 in the Atlantic Forest.

Despite its might, harpy eagles need pretty stable conditions to thrive, and with global warming, deforestation, and the extinction of other species, these eagles are counted on for food. Our friends can be the next species entirely wiped out from the planet thanks to pollution.

Of course, our job is to help these birds stay with us and survive the mess we caused up to the point when we fix it.

Such magnificent guys and gals should be left for future generations to look at and be amazed by, but probably leave your toddlers home when you go bird-watching harpy eagles.

Did you like the story of the fantastic harpy eagle?

Is it your favorite big bird, or do you have some creature even grander in your mind? Leave your thoughts in a comment section and tell us what next animal you would love to see on this Website.

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