10 Best Alternatives to Twitter X or How to Attack the Dictatorship of Elon Musk

X Twitter

Twitter X or whatever it is called now. It is getting closer to going to hell. It has gone from an application focused on communication to a social network focused on earning money and extracting your bank details.

In summary, Elon Musk has decided to make infinite decisions. It has yet to prioritize the user in any of its cases. In other words, without a doubt, it is time to leave Twitter, but where?

There is no single social media platform that does everything that Twitter does (or used to do) and simultaneously removes its worst features. Still, there are plenty of emerging alternative apps that are capable of providing at least some aspect of what had been the best Twitter experience.

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X Twitter

10 Best Alternatives to Twitter X

Here are the best X-like networks that may become a revolution in the coming years. Please do not stop trying them. Who knows if you will be among the first to be in the next great social network?

1. Spoutible

Spoutible website

Launched in February 2023, Spoutible was created by Christopher Bouzy, the founder of the Twitter analytics service Bot Sentinel.

The objective was to “fix everything that is wrong with Twitter.” Still, despite being a great clone of Twitter, it has yet to manage to achieve the pull that could be expected.

Unfortunately, it is a social network that needs more marketing support. However, it could be a good alternative. One of the best.

How to sign up for Spoutible?

Go to the Spoutible home page and click “sign up.” 

The Pros of Spoutible

  • Strong moderation – If you want a more secure space, Spoutible is dedicated to better security. Bots, trolls, and targeted hate are quickly controlled there.
  • Familiar – If you like the look of Twitter, Spoutible’s interface is a complete homage to the little birdie.
  • Opportunity to be an early adopter: If you like to stay on top of innovation and the latest, sign up to say, “I was on Spoutible in 2023,” if it ever takes off with a bang.

The Cons of Spoutible

  • Small user base: There are less than a quarter of a million Spoutible users.
  • Very DIY: This site is 100% tied to its founder, so its funding and support are close to the larger networks.

2. Spill

Spill website

Still to be formally launched, the Spill social media network is up and running. The platform first went viral in response to Musk’s decision to limit the user rate on Twitter.

Its interface for messages in classic cards and very short messages could become the most attractive for teenagers.

Despite everything, it is a social network that can fall short in terms of its options to the user, and it is closer to being an Instagram than Twitter.

How do you register in Spill?

You will not be able to do it even if you want to. However, you can join Spill’s waiting list.

Spill’s Pros

  • Moderation – Spill plans to take serious steps to moderate the hate and create a friendlier platform for diverse users.
  • Single Voice – According to its creators, former Twitter employees Alphonzo “Phonz” Terrell and DeVaris Brown, Spill will foster a safe atmosphere for “culture boosters” to thrive.

Spill’s cons

  • I doubt that the content already posted on Spill is more interesting than on Twitter, but for now, Spill is not open to the public. It is only by invitation, so you cannot enter the app if you do not know someone inside.

3. TikTok


Currently, TikTok is one of the most important social networks in the world, if not the most. Both for the number of users and the time they use it.

Since its launch as a network focused on creating short videos, mainly musical, TikTok has continued growing. Adding other sections like TikTok Live allows live streaming within the platform.

However, they have had problems launching a tool capable of editing the videos since they created an app accused of plagiarizing OBS.

However, why do I include TikTok as an alternative to X? After all the “altercations” between Musk and Twitter, TikTok is another application that has seen a possible market niche and has implemented a section for written messages.

Text-only posts on TikTok have already started working in China. They are expected to be open to the rest of the world very soon.

With TikTok’s large user base, there is no doubt that it will be a success once it opens up the ability to send text-only messages.

We will have to wait and see and be careful if it is a function that ends up being consolidated within the platform, focusing more on interaction with videos.

How to register on TikTok?

You must download the app from the Play Store or Apple Store, access the site’s URL, and click on login. In the open floating window, go to the bottom where it says: Register.

Then, you can create your account using a phone number, email, Gmail, Facebook, or Twitter account.

The pros of Tiktok

  • User base: It has a user base in which most people worldwide are already found.
  • Strong infrastructure: They already have the necessary infrastructure to make it work. It only depends on what they want to promote or not that new functionality.

The pros of Tiktok

  • Preference for multimedia content: It is still a platform focused on multimedia content, so this may not be the best platform for people who do not want to watch 100 music videos before reading a news story.
  • It is not a niche platform: It is not focused mainly on news and information; rather, it focuses on fun.

4. Threads

If you don’t like Twitter but want a social media network like Twitter, Meta Threads might be your best option.

Threads just launched this summer, and its main difference from Twitter is that a different billionaire runs it. You can post things, comment, like, send messages to people, etc.

One interesting difference is that Meta promises that users will have more control over their content by giving them options for how the Threads algorithm populates feeds (although that’s not the case now).

Taking Meta’s word for it might give you a less horrible experience than Twitter. However, the feeds still leave a lot to be desired.

How to register in Threads?

From your Instagram account, you’ll see a Threads logo that you can use to sign up and download the app.

The pros of Threads

  • It’s not Twitter: the idea seems to be “do it like Twitter, but with Mark Zuckerberg.”
  • A large number of users: The connection with Instagram meant many users outside, already numbering around 118 million.
  • Future Plans to Link Up with Other Networks: It has yet to happen. Still, Threads says he wants to be a part of “Fediverse,” a series of linked social networks that include Mastodon so that users can expand their network.
  • Stability: Threads has been stable since its launch, even as it has had hundreds of millions of new accounts; they have Meta’s knowledge and money behind them.

The Cons of Threads

  • Banned in Europe: For now, the application is unavailable in European territory, and it has yet to be how long it will take to arrive.
  • Non-organic growth: Since Threads was born entirely with millions of Instagram users, the long-term engagement of its users is still up for review.
  • It’s a Twitter clone from the creators of Facebook: While Meta’s product director (Chris Cox) said the platform would be “executed sensibly,” The service’s privacy issues have already drawn criticism of the data Threads can collect from its users.
  • Deletion issues: You must delete your Threads account by deleting your Instagram. There are ways to hide/delete all thread activity but not to delete your account.

5. Discord

Discord Your Place to Talk and Hang Out

The Discord app is not the same type of platform as a social network like Twitter or Threads. Messaging-oriented, be it voice or chat, the look and feel are much more like Slack.

But Discord also allows users to configure servers according to their interests, and those servers can be private or public. Some public servers already have tens of thousands of users who can post, chat, and do other things.

How to register on Discord?

Download the Discord app on your desktopiPhone, or Android. Create your account and verify your phone number before accessing.

Discord Advantages

  • Gaming friends galore: Discord is perfect if you want a “social network” to find people to play Minecraft with. You can find the best Hispanic gaming servers here.
  • Freedom of the Masses – Discord is great for people who don’t like being part of the larger, global cultural conversation.

Discord Cons

  • It’s Complicated: Not that it’s like studying for an aerospace degree. Still, Discord requires users to take a few steps beyond “sign up and start posting.”
  • Younger Users – If you’re looking for a mature conversation, it’s likely that Discord’s core user base, packed with gamers, is not exactly what you are looking for.

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6. BlueSky


Growing out of Twitter with the blessing of the company’s former CEO, Jack Dorsey, Bluesky Social is a decentralized social media platform that gives users more control over the content they create and what they see in their feeds.

How do you register in Bluesky Social?

Bluesky Social has yet to be released to the public, but if you visit the official site, you can sign up for the waiting list to access it. I wish you the best of luck since I have been waiting several months.

You can also ask for an invitation code on Twitter or buy one from a third party, anyway… If we start like this, in a social network that aspires to be better than Twitter. We’re pretty bad.

The pros of Bluesky Social

  • Content portability: It’s not fully released yet, so it’s not entirely clear how this will work in real life, but one of Bluesky’s selling points is being able to take all your posts, friends, messages, and more with you when some madman takes over Bluesky.
  • Decentralized: Bluesky’s decentralized organization will make it more difficult to collect and sell your data or show ads. Although Bluesky has yet to be released, it’s hard to know how it will work in practice.
  • Experience: Jack Dorsey is behind it, and he created Twitter.

The Cons of Bluesky Social

  • Complexity – Decentralized social media sounds like a great idea. Still, many users don’t care and are looking for a user-friendly experience. There is a real possibility that Bluesky will only be used by techies, media people, and other people with a special interest and will never make it into the mainstream of users. That means a smaller audience, which leads to less usage, and that fails in the long run.
  • About that portability: Bluesky Social is not part of the Fediverse, so you won’t be able to migrate anywhere. Only to platforms with the same technology as Bluesky.

7. Post News

Post News

Post News might be your social network if you use Twitter to keep up with current events. Users there can write and share posts, comment, like, and follow others like you do on Twitter.

But Post is a platform mainly focused on general news and a methodology implemented in favor of publishers being able to monetize their content creation.

It is based on a micropayment system that allows users to purchase individual news articles using points that must be purchased.

On the other hand, you can also subscribe to specific news accounts through a specific payment. Currently, there are only a few media in Spanish within the platform.

How to register in Post?

To join the Post network, visit the registration webpage or download the app from the App Store.

Post’s pros

  • Consume the news of your choice: Post provides a way to pay for individual articles from media sources like Fortune, NBC News, Politico, ProPublica, Reuters, and others that are often protected by paywalls, so you don’t have to subscribe to The Boston Globe to read a particular article.
  • Less Extra Content: ​​There are fewer memes and jokes than on other social networks.
  • Ad-Free News Reading: Even if a news source is free on the web, paying for it in Post allows you to have an ad-free, noticeably less annoying experience and consume all news sources from a single source.
  • An opportunity to win money: Users can use a “tipping” system to finally get paid for being resourceful and participating.

The cons of Post

  • It’s very new: Post’s beta launched in 2022 and launched for iPhone on June 15, so it’s hard to know how the experience will play out over time.
  • The cost: Eight cents or so for a news article seems like little, but there’s something about paying anything for information on the Internet that bothers many people.
  • Your target audience: The app is focused on Wall Street or Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and workers rather than the general public. Much less did the Spanish-speaking public.

8. Mastodon


Rather than the top-down, profit-driven organization of Twitter/X, Mastodon is open-sourced, decentralized, and not-for-profit.

Instead of everyone being in the same place, the social network allows anyone to create or join a separate server. Once you’ve found a server that matches your interests (or choose the default server “mstdn.social”), you can also communicate with and follow members of other servers.

This creates a “Twitter-like” user experience that is also decentralized and Musk-free.

How do you register in Mastodon?

To sign up for Mastodon, visit the website or download the Mastodon app from the Apple or Google Play store.

The pros of Mastadon

  • Little top-down moderation: Each server moderates content in its way, so no authority can suddenly decide that Nazi views are okay. Instead, you can choose a server with moderation policies that suit your needs and tastes, from “anything (legal) goes” to “no content from anyone outside of this server.”
  • More customizable content curation: Content in your feed is not curated by an unknown algorithm for reasons you need help understanding. Instead, you have three feeds: “home” (posts from the people you follow), “local” (posts from users on your server), and “federated” (all posts from all users), organized by post times. Like Twitter when it was good.
  • Connection to other social networks: Mastodon is part of Fediverse, a federated social networking service that may soon include Threads. Therefore, you are not obligated to only communicate with people from Mastadon.
  • Musk Free: If your problem with Twitter is Elon Musk’s autocratic control over media consumption (and everyone else’s). Mastodon could be the network you want.

The Cons of Mastadon

  • Smaller User Base – Mastodon has around 10 million registered users. In contrast, Twitter has around 350 million, so if you like the idea of ​​being on a platform everyone uses, that’s not Mastodon. At least not yet.
  • More Complicated – Customizable user experiences are great in theory, but you have to think about them, and many people already have enough to worry about. If your attitude is, “Just push some memes in front of my eyeballs,” Mastodon will push much less.

9. Linkedin


The LinkedIn platform is one of those websites that has become a social network focused on business and employment. Still, it can be used for more than just posting your resume.

People prefer a clean LinkedIn profile. Still, it’s also okay to fill and flood LinkedIn with cat memes and shitty posts, although you should remember that your boss will probably see it.

How to register on LinkedIn?

Navigate to the LinkedIn homepage and press join. Fill out your resume and wait for your dream job to appear.

The pros of LinkedIn

  • Career Development: ​​This is the place if you’re looking for career advancement through an online network.
  • Largest user base: There are about 930 million people on LinkedIn.

The cons of LinkedIn

  • Privacy concerns – LinkedIn will show people if you view their profiles, so the assistant VP of marketing will know you’re stalking their profile.
  • Too Much Spam – LinkedIn is full of recruiters, marketers, and various other types of professional criminals, and they will try to engage with you.
  • Expensive – Basic usage is free, but other memberships cost a lot. The cheapest “premium” LinkedIn membership costs 29.99 euros per month. The most expensive one, for recruiters, costs around 9,000 euros a year, and all that, to see my kitty memes!

10. Tumblr

Sometimes, to move forward, you need to go back. The implosion of Twitter is prompting many to flock to the old-school microblogging social network Tumblr.

It’s been around since 2007, so it’s not a state-of-the-art social network, but if you want to share photos, texts, or videos, you can do it perfectly on Tumblr.

How to register on Tumblr?

Try to remember your old password from 2010. Or you can go to the Tumblr home page and click “sign up” in the popup window.

The pros of Tumblr

  • Stable User Base: Tumblr boasts over 547 million monthly users, so you should easily find a community you’re interested in, no matter what it’s about.
  • Personalization: Tumblr allows you to control the look of your blog and customize your feed on a granular level.
  • Now Allows Nudity (Again): Tumblr reversed a 2018 decision to ban nudity, even though it’s not the Wild West. Yes, they are more permissive than many other networks.

The cons of Tumblr

  • Established User Base: Tumblr’s 547 million users have created a unique culture that can seem strange or impenetrable to newcomers.
  • Personalization: Many people don’t want to mess around with how their page looks; it’s a whole “thing” that can be complicated, so many people don’t want to get involved.
  • Previously Banned Nudity: The unilateral removal of a once-popular area of ​​content on the web indicates top-down control that many users (and former users) are not comfortable with.

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