6 Most Common Questions in a Job Interview

If you’re preparing for a job interview, it’s normal to have questions about what you’ll be asked and what the interview process will be like. We’ve all asked ourselves the same questions when going through an interview. Generally, the questions recruiters ask are similar for most positions. Many have to do with your previous experience, knowledge, and skills.

However, in addition to asking you about your knowledge, you will also be asked other types of questions that it is better to know in order to be prepared and give the best possible answer. Likewise, there are questions that should not be asked, as they are inappropriate (and even illegal!) and can cause discomfort.

Don’t worry if you don’t know exactly what you’ll be asked at your next interview, or what questions you shouldn’t be asked. Because we present you the 7 most common questions in a job interview, along with sample answers for you to put into practice. Are you ready?

1. Tell me about yourself

This is a very common self-knowledge question in job interviews. Here recruiters want to get to know you better, to know who you are and what work experience you have. You can start the answer by introducing yourself, then talk about your academic background and finally mention your work experience.

Try to focus on your achievements, mentioning concrete examples that support your skills and competencies. Also, be sure to talk about the responsibilities you have had and the projects you have worked on.

Remember to maintain a professional and focused attitude, answering honestly and coherently. Avoid talking excessively or lying about your previous experiences.

2. Why are you interested in being part of the company?

To answer this question, you need to know what the company does, what its goals are, and how it works. Having this information will make it much easier to answer. You will feel more confident and give more convincing answers.

For example, you could explain that you are interested in growing professionally in that specific field, and that you believe the company is the perfect place to do so. Also, mention how your knowledge and skills can add value to the company.

3. Point out what your strengths and weaknesses are

This question seeks to find out your strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. When answering, it is important that you are honest and can give concrete examples. For strengths, focus on how they can benefit the team and the company. Mention only those that are relevant to the job you are applying for, and those in which you excel the most.

For example, you could say, “One of my strengths is the ability to solve problems effectively. In my previous experience, I was challenged to develop an innovative solution that improved team efficiency.” And explain what you did.

In the case of weaknesses, make sure that they are not a major obstacle for the position and explain how you are working on improving the . For example, you can mention: “I recognize that I have a hard time delegating tasks and that leads me to be a perfectionist, but I am working on it by entrusting projects to my colleagues.”

4. Why should we hire you?

This is the perfect time to show HR why this position is ideal for you. Think about what makes you different from the rest of the candidates and how you can contribute to the development of the company. For this interview, make a point of mentioning your soft skills, knowledge, and how they fit what they are looking for.

For example, you might say that you are an excellent communicator, a good team player, or a good leader. Remember that this question is an opportunity to highlight your value as a future employee, and demonstrate how you can make a difference in the company.

5. What are your salary expectations?

If you have no idea how much you could charge for your work, it is of utmost importance that you take the time to do your research. Ask colleagues, and search online. Have a reference of how much the minimum and maximum they can pay for your services is.

Once you have that information, you can tell them that you expect the company to make you an offer, but that everything is negotiable. Listen to their proposal and based on what you have researched, you can decide whether that offer is right for you or not.

6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Here, recruiters will want to know your long-term goals and what your potential commitment to the company might be. When answering, you should focus on your intentions to progress and grow as a professional in the position you are applying for. Likewise, show your interest in learning and improving your skills to be a valuable person within the company.

You might mention that you would like to take on greater responsibilities and challenges as you gain more experience in the field . For example, you could say, “In five years, I see myself as a skilled professional in my field, contributing to the company’s growth and leading important projects.”

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Pay attention if a recruiter asks you these types of questions

It is essential that you can detect if the employer is asking you inappropriate questions. Generally, these types of questions are not directly related to work and are intended to find out about other aspects of your life outside of the work environment.

It is crucial that you recognize these, as they can be indicative of discrimination or prejudice. Some of the most common unnecessary questions in a job interview include:

  • What is your political ideology?
  • Are you pregnant or planning to have children?
  • Do you belong to any religion?
  • What is your sexual orientation?
  • How old are you?
  • What ethnicity do you identify with?
  • Do you have any illness or medical condition?

It’s normal to feel awkward or surprised by an inappropriate question, but try to stay calm and collected. Take a deep breath and take a moment to think before you act. Likewise, don’t forget that you have the right not to respond . You can politely express that you prefer not to answer the question.

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Answer questions confidently in a job interview

Now that you know what the most common questions are in a job interview, you can go into your next application with confidence. Don’t forget that clear and honest communication is key to leaving a positive impression on recruiters, and increasing your chances of landing the job you want.

Likewise, remember to research the company so you can answer all the questions with the information you need. If you are afraid that you will be asked questions that make you uncomfortable, remember that in this post we will tell you what they are and that you have the right to choose whether to answer or not.

Now that you are ready and have all the information, we encourage you to apply for the offers that the market offers. Good luck!

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